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Now is the Time to Invest in Tomorrow’s Energy: Why Air Products is Committing $15 Billion to Cleaner Energy Projects

Dr. Samir J. Serhan, COO

Now is the time for companies and countries to take real action and make investments in projects that will make a meaningful difference on climate issues, and Air Products is doing just that. By 2027, we plan to have committed to at least $15 billion in clean energy projects. Our low- and zero-carbon hydrogen produced at these facilities will help power and decarbonize heavy transportation—buses, trucks, and ships, for example—as well other heavy industrial sectors.

We’re already the world’s leading supplier of hydrogen. Hydrogen is a core competency, and we’re experts in every piece of the hydrogen supply chain, from production, to storage, to delivery and dispensation. To put it simply: our core industrial gases expertise, and specifically our leadership in hydrogen—in addition to our portfolio of unique technologies and partnerships—puts us in an exceptional position to lead the way in the energy transition.

We want to partner with our customers on their journeys to decarbonize, no matter where they are along the way. That’s where having a portfolio that includes proprietary technologies and know-how in gasification of hydrocarbons, CO2 capture, LNG, and hydrogen comes into play. In fact, our multi-billion-dollar megaprojects around the world illustrate how our core competency as a hydrogen producer and our collection of technologies and capabilities are brought together in unique configurations to benefit our customers.

We know that hydrogen will play an essential role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions from heavy transportation and industry. To put our investments in clean energy projects into perspective, if all the hydrogen from our projects in execution is used in the heavy-duty truck market, it will generate climate benefits equivalent to eliminating over 500 million tons of CO2 over their lifetime, or the emissions from about 50 billion gallons or about 190 billion liters of diesel. And this does not even include the benefits to be brought by future investments.

The transition to cleaner energy sources is well underway through real projects we are executing now. Air Products is not waiting. We’re investing in projects now that will shape how the world uses energy tomorrow.