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COO Dr. Samir J. Serhan on Why Diversity Matters in Advancing the Energy Transition

Samir Serhan

The critical energy and environmental challenges of our time require the most innovative solutions, and designing those solutions requires diversity of thought and experience. For our teams to rise to their potential and make history with game-changing clean-energy projects, we must cultivate a work environment where everyone feels they belong and their contributions matter. I can’t emphasize this enough: bringing people together from all backgrounds and experiences is fundamental to developing the clean-energy projects that will progress the energy transition. 

To that end, Air Products recently launched the Female Engineers & Technical Associates (FETA) initiative.
Through tailored job rotations, hands-on learning, and professional and technical development, Air Products’ FETA program will empower career development and progression of the next generation of female talent in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I would like to personally congratulate the first women to join this program and welcome them to Air Products.

Through FETA, we are pioneering a new path of learning for female engineers and technicians.
This program will help shape their futures as they become part of a world-leading industrial gases company, working on some of the most innovative, forward looking, projects of our time – projects that are making history by helping to solve significant energy and environmental challenges. 

This is yet another illustration of how progressing the energy transition and cultivating an inclusive culture are connected.
We know that our people are our competitive advantage, and when we invest in bringing together talented individuals from all walks of life, the diversity of knowledge, thought, and experience of our people will allow us to pioneer the solutions that will ultimately lead to a cleaner-energy future. ♦



More about FETA

Learn more about Air Products' Female Engineers & Technical Associates (FETA) initiative.

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